Get In Touch to Resolve your Asbestos Concerns
Get In Touch to Resolve your Asbestos Concerns
Asbestos can be found in any building constructed or refurbished post the year 2000.
If you suspect that there may be asbestos containing materials within your home, office or workplace it is advisable that to keep your family, employees, contractors and yourself safe you initially arrange that an asbestos test or asbestos survey be undertaken.
RG Environmental survey all types of buildings and structures including those due for refurbishment or demolition. We provide safe and methodical asbestos testing and asbestos survey services, and issue an endorsed report with sample results and reccommendations. The reports are comprehensive and provide clear information to make the right choices for the next steps you need to take.
We don't have any targets or overload our schedules. We prefer to take our time ensuring that our asbestos surveys are always thorough, authoritative and systematic.
Our trusted knowledge and experience has been gained over many years providing services to Homebuyers, Homeowners, DIYers, Property Developers, Landlords, Building Trades, Construction & Demolition Companies, Local and Central Government facilities, Retail & Manufacturing Industries, The NHS, The MoD, Maritime facilities (both on and offshore), Airports and Power Generation Utilities.
When our inspection is complete, you will be issued with a fully comprehensive report which will give you clear guidance and practical advice on what steps you need to take next.
Company Registration No. 11326092 - VAT Registration No. 269 4870 48